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Inshort Category: Haram / Halal


01 Sep 2023

What is the ruling on a non-Mahram man shaking hands with a non-Mahram woman?

Both are sinners and deserve the punishment of hell. Faqeeh Abul Laith Samarqandiُ  ِرَحمَْﺔاﻟـﻠـﻪﻋَـﻠَﻴْﻪ said, 

The one who shakes hands with a non-Mahram woman in this world, will come on the Day of Judgment in such a state that his hands will be tied around his neck with chains of fire (Qurra-tul-‘Uyoon ma’ Raud-ul-Faaiq, p. 389)

Reference: Islamic Veil By Dawate Islami

Sikander Warsi
Sikander Warsi

01 Sep 2023

Is it permissible to tie Rakhi or allow other to tie you Rakhi

It is HARAM to tie Rakhi or allow other to tie you Rakhi in Islam